Fachgebiet Cognitive Science

apl. Prof. Dr. Daniela Czernochowski


Professional Experience

since 5/2021apl. Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Kaiserslautern
9/2013 - 4/2021Junior Professor of Cognitive Science, University of Kaiserslautern
8/2007 – 8/2013Research Scientist and Lecturer, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf 
4/2005 – 7/2007Research Scientist, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York
6/2005Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of Saarbrücken
12/2001Diploma (German equivalent to Master degree) in Psychology, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University, Bonn and York University, Toronto



Project Grants

2010 – 2016

Head of Junior Research Group (funded by the DFG):
ERP evidence for the role of cognitive control for the acquisition and retrieval of episodic information in children and young adults



Research interests

My research focuses on the development of episodic memory and cognitive control processes across the life-span. I combine electrophysiological and behavioral measures to compare how brain maturation and age-related neuronal decline affect lifelong learning and neuro-cognitive processing in children, young and older adults.

I am particularly interested in factors underlying interindividual performance differences, such as the use of proactive or reactive control or the choice of strategies during memory encoding and retrieval.

A second line of research concerns the question of how expertise and motivation can change both mind and brain, for instance when experts and novices encode and retrieve novel melodies, or when we realize cognitive deficits and actively counteract these with appropriate strategies.


Link to my ResearchGate profile.

apl. Prof. Dr. Daniela Czernochowski
Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße 57
Gebäude 57 , Raum 575
67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49 631 205-4140
E-Mail: czernochowski@sowi.uni-kl.de

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