Fachgebiet Cognitive Science


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Under review

Beck, A-K., Czernochowski, D., Lachmann, T., Barahona-Correa, B., & Carmo, J.C. (under review). Is the dolphin a fish? ERP evidence for the impact of typicality during early visual processing in ultra-rapid semantic categorization in autism spectrum disorder.

Ludowicy, P., Paz-Alonso, P.M., Lachmann, T. & Czernochowski, D.  (under review): Timing matters: immediate performance feedback enhances test-potentiated encoding.


Eymann, V., Beck, A.-K., Jaarsveld, S., Lachmann, T., Czernochowski, D. (2022). Alpha oscillatory evidence for shared underlying mechanisms of creativity and fluid intelligence above and beyond working memory-related activity. Intelligence, 91.


Haese, A., & Czernochowski, D. (2021). Using temporo-spatial principal component analysis as tool to dissociate latent ERP components of episodic memory retrieval: Objectifying time-window selection for overlapping ERP components. Brain Cogn, 157, 105833. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2021.105833. Download here

Beck, A-K., Berti, S., Czernochowski, D. & Lachmann, T. (2021). Do categorical representations modulate early automatic visual processing? A visual mismatch-negativity study. Biological Psychology, 163, 108139. DOI. Download here

Beck, A-K., Czernochowski, D., Lachmann, T., & Berti, S. (2021). Do categorical representations modulate early perceptual or later cognitive visual processing? An ERP study. Brain and Cognition, 150, 105724. Download here


Ludowicy, P.Czernochowski, D., Weis, T., Haese, A., & Lachmann, T. (2019). Neural correlates of feedback processing during a sensory uncertain speech-nonspeech discrimination task. Biological Psychology, 144, 103-114. Download here


Ferdinand, N.K., & Czernochowski, D. joint first authors (2018). Motivational Influences on Performance Monitoring and Cognitive Control across the Adult Lifespan. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1018. Download here. Part of the research topic Social and Emotional Influences on Human Development: Perspectives From Developmental Neuroscience. Download Part 1 / Part 2. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2490.


Herff, S. & Czernochowski, D. (2017). The role of divided attention and expertise in melody recognition. Musicae scientiae. Download here

Köster, M. Haese, A., & Czernochowski, D. (2017). Neuronal oscillations reveal the processes underlying intentional compared to incidental learning in children and young adults. PloS one, 12(8), e0182540. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182540. Download here


Bell, R., Sasse, J., Moller, M., Czernochowski, D., Mayr, S., & Buchner, A. (2016). Event-related potentials in response to cheating and cooperation in a social dilemma game. Psychophysiology, 53(2), 216-228. DOI: 10.1111/psyp.12561. Download here

Haese, A. & Czernochowski, D. (2016). Task characteristics are critical for the use of familiarity: An ERP study on episodic memory development in middle childhood. Cognitive Development, 40, 82-100. DOI: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2016.08.008. Download here


Haese A. & Czernochowski, D. (2015). Sometimes we have to intentionally focus on the details: Incidental encoding and perceptual change decrease recognition memory performance and the ERP correlate of recollection. Brain and Cognition, 96, 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.bandc.2015.02.003. Download here


Czernochowski, D. (2014). ERPs dissociate proactive and reactive control: Evidence from a task-switching paradigm with informative and uninformative cues. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 15 (1), 117-131. DOI: 10.3758/s13415-014-0302-y . Download here

Czernochowski, D. (2014). Conflict monitoring across the life span: How to tell right from wrong and act accordingly [special issue: "Electrophysiology of cognitive aging"]. Journal of Psychophysiology, 28 (3), 124-135. DOI: 10.1027/0269-8803/a000120


Lange, K. & Czernochowski, D. (2013). Does this sound familiar? Effects of timbre change on episodic retrieval of novel melodies. Acta Psychologica, 143, 136-145. Download here


Czernochowski, D., Horn, S., & Bayen, U.J. (2012). Does frequency matter? ERP and behavioral correlates of monitoring for rare and frequent prospective memory targets. Neuropsychologia, 50, 67-76. Download here


Czernochowski, D. (2011). ERP evidence for scarce rule representation in older adults following short, but not long preparatory intervals. Frontiers in Psychology, 2:221. Download here

Manzi, A., Nessler, D., Czernochowski, D., Friedman, D. (2011). The Development of Anticipatory Cognitive Control Processes in Task-Switching: An ERP Study in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults. Psychophysiology, 48, 1258-1275. Download here


Czernochowski, D., Nessler, D. & Friedman, D. (2010). On why not to rush older adults-relying on reactive cognitive control can effectively reduce errors at the expense of slowed responses. Psychophysiology, 47, 637-646. Download here


Czernochowski, D., Mecklinger, A. & Johansson, M. (2009). Age-related changes in the control of episodic retrieval: an ERP study of recognition memory in children and adults. Developmental Science, 12, 1026-1040. Download here


Czernochowski, D., Fabiani, M. & Friedman, D. (2008). Use it or lose it? SES mitigates age-related decline in a recency/recognition task. Neurobiology of Aging, 29, 945-958. Download here

Isler, J.R., Grieve, P.G., Czernochowski, D., Stark, R. I. & Friedman, D. (2008). Cross-frequency phase coupling of brain rhythms during the orienting response. Brain Research, 1232, 163-172.


Czernochowski, D., Mecklinger, A., Johansson, M. & Brinkmann, M. (2005). Age-related differences in familiarity and recollection: ERP evidence from a recognition memory study in children and young adults. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 5 (4), 417-433. Download here

Czernochowski, D. (2005). Age Differences in Familiarity and Recollection: ERP Evidence for the Development of Recognition Memory in Childhood. Boca Raton, FL: Universal Publishers.


Czernochowski, D., Brinkmann, M., Mecklinger, A. & Johansson, M. (2004). When binding matters: an ERP analysis of the development of recollection and familiarity. Bound in Memory. Insights from Behavioral and Neuropsychological Studies, Aachen Shaker Verlag, S. 93-128.


* joint first authors

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