International Virtual Academic Collaboration

funding notice

The project "Teaching for Critical Digital Literacy" including the Master's course and SummerSchool in Dubai is funded by the DAAD programme International Virtual Academic Collaboration (IVAC).

About the Project

Our goals

The project is located in the field of teacher education at the interface of democracy education and media literacy. It aims at an international understanding of the question of how political and critical digital literacy should be designed to be effective for learning. The critical reflection competence of future teachers is to be strengthened. In the process, the cultural context and national self-image of the respective "others" can be experienced. Intercultural learning experiences can thus be facilitated by means of state-of-the-art approaches to digital teaching.


Our project is about learning in the digitalised world in two ways:

1) Firstly, digital media come into view as a political learning and teaching content. The issue here is the political aspect of the digital transformation: What significance is attributed here and there to phenomena that are hidden behind keywords such as Big Social Data, Mini Publics, Fake News? What does this mean for society and for the individual? What does this mean for (political) education? What are the guiding goals of teaching in Germany and in UAE?


2) Secondly, the project focuses on the application level, i.e. the testing and reflection of digital tools in terms of digital collaboration possibilities. The aim is to acquire practical know-how of teaching and lesson design in the digital space with digital tools and to classify this critically with regard to overarching educational goals (and understandings).

--> Didactic double-decker

Our measures

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