International Virtual Academic Collaboration


The project is located in the field of teacher education at the interface of democracy education and media education. It aims at an international understanding of the question of how critical digital literacy should be designed to be effective for learning. The critical reflection competence of future teachers is to be strengthened. In virtual cooperation on social issues, the cultural context and the national self-image of the respective "others" can be experienced.

NEWS (01.07.21): All good things come to an end

6 weeks of digital collaboration within the binational small groups came to an end on 1st July 2021. In the last few weeks, the students got to know each other and exchanged views - both in the context of their private interests and in the context of the subject content. They have met in virtual space according to their own planning, worked individually and together on their questions, and documented and reflected on their progress. In the end, all groups created presentations that open up a comparative view of the respective topic.

In the final synchronous (zoom) group session, the participants from Kaiserslautern and Dubai reported heated discussions, interesting eye-opening and horizon-expanding conversations, friendships made. What they all have in common is gratitude for the cultural learning experience. We are relieved and happy that all participants were able to take something away from this experience for themselves and their competences.


A small insight into the results: (anonymised)

NEWS (20.05.21): Binational collaboration has started

On Thursday, 20.05.21, the virtual binational collaboration between students from TUK and students from AUD (American University in Dubai) started with a joint kick-off event. The meeting provided a first glimpse into each other's culture. From study programmes, study contents, school subjects to the exchange about national dishes and pets, there was a lot of exchange. The kick-off meeting was already insightful for both sides and certainly aroused interest. We are looking forward to the virtual collaboration of the students in their small groups.

NEWS (26.04.21): Semester has started

Last Thursday, 22.04.21, was the kick-off meeting of our project seminar. We are happy that 13 motivated participants want to be part of the binational exchange.

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