Fachgebiet Cognitive and Developmental Psychology

Dr. Aleksander Bulajić


Phone+49 (0)631 / 205 3210


Curriculum Vitae

Since 2012

Research Scientist at the RPTU in Kaiserslautern (formerly TU Kaiserslautern), Developmental Psychology & Cognitive Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Thesis: Cognitive capacities and attainment in formal adult learning.


Master of Philosophy (Psychology and Education), University of Cambridge, UK

Thesis: Experimental investigation of Baddeley and Hitch's working memory model


Bachelor of Andragogy, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Thesis: Andragogical Aspects of Self-Directed Learning


Advanced extracurricular academic programme, Belgrade Open School, Serbia

Thesis: National Movements in Kingdom Yugoslavia

Areas of interest

  • Reading
  • Verbal working memory
  • Art in adult education
  • Cognition & adult education.

Memberships and Affiliations

ESREA (European Society for Research on the Education of Adults), Serbian Andragogical Association, Serbian Psychological Society

2017 Journal Deputy Editor Andragogical studies.

2015 Validation expert for accreditation of the basic qualification in adult education, Switzerland, Serbia (SVEB I). 

2015 Swiss Federal Professional Diploma for Trainers in Adult Education (SVEB II)

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