Fachgebiet Cognitive and Developmental Psychology

Abdullah Jelelati, M.Sc.




building6, Room 205

Curriculum Vitae

Since Sep 2019Research Scientist at RPTU in Kaiserslautern (formerly TU Kaiserslautern), Developmental Psychology & Cognitive Science
Oct 2015 - Sep 2018M.Sc. Cognitive Science, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Oct 2011 - Sep 2013M.A. in English Language Teaching, University of Aleppo, Syria
Sep 2002 - Jan 2007B.A. in English Language Studies and Literature, University of Aleppo, Syria

Areas of Interest

  • Serial recall and complex auditory backgrounds: irrelevant sound effect on cognitive performance
  • Letter and pseudo-letter recognition: holistic and analytic strategies in reading and letter-specific processing
  • Language processing: how the human brain makes sense of language and the neuro- and psycholinguistic resources recruited to process a language

Conference presentations


Jelelati, A., Leist, L., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (June 18-22 th 2023). What Mechanism Underlies the Irrelevant Speech Effect:Phonological Processing or Serial Rehearsal? The 14th Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN 2023), Belgrade, Serbia.

Jelelati, A., Leist, L., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (March 20-23 th 2022). Effects of Irrelevant Speech and Word Length on Immediate Serial Recall: What role of rehearsal? The 64th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP 2022), Cologne, Germany.

Jelelati, A., Leist, L., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (August 15-18 th 2021). Auditory Streaming and Short-Term Memory: Effects of Talker Variability on Serial Recall and Auditory Distraction. Psycholinguistics in Flanders (PiF 2021), Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Jelelati, A., Leist, L., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (May 20-21 th 2021). Auditory Streaming and Short-Term Memory: Effects of Talker Variability on Serial Recall and Auditory Distraction. The 47 th Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2021), Vienna, Austria.


Jelelati, A., Leist, L., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (September 06-09 th 2023). What Mechanism Underlies the Irrelevant Speech Effect: Phonological Processing or Rehearsal?  The 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (EscoP 2023), Porto, Portugal.

Jelelati, A., Leist, L., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (March 20-23 th 2022). The Mechanism Underlying the Irrelevant Speech Effect: Phonological Processing or Rehearsal? The 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP 2023), Trier, Germany.

Jelelati, A., Leist, L., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (March 06-09 th 2023). Effects of Irrelevant Speech on Immediate Serial Recall: The Role of Phonological Complexity. The 49 th Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2023), Hamburg, Germany.

Jelelati, A., Leist, L., Lachmann, T., & Klatte, M. (September 05-07 th 2022). Role of Rehearsal in the Effects of Irrelevant Speech and Word Length. The 15th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science (KogWis 2022), Freiburg, Germany.


  • September 2019 - Awarded the DFG Scholarship for Refugee Scientists as part of the Project „Differenzielle Mechanismen kognitiver Leistungsbeeinträchtigungen durch aufgabenirrelevante Hintergrundschalle bei Kindern und Erwachsenen“
  • August 2023 - TU-Nachwuchsrings Research Grant for Mobility
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