Fachgebiet Cognitive and Developmental Psychology



Waye, K. P., Löve, J., Lercher, P., Dzhambov, A. M., Klatte, M., Schreckenberg, D., Belke, C., Leist, L., ... Lachmann, T., ... & Vincens, N. (2023). Adopting a child perspective for exposome research on mental health and cognitive development-Conceptualisation and opportunities. Environmental Research, 117279. Download here

Dzhambov, A. M., Lercher, P., Vincens, N., Waye, K. P., Klatte, M., Leist, L., Lachmann, T., ... & van Kamp, I. (2023). Protective effect of restorative possibilities on cognitive function and mental health in children and adolescents: A scoping review including the role of physical activity. Environmental Research, 116452. Download here

Leist, L., Lachmann, T., Schlittmeier, S. J., Georgi, M., & Klatte, M. (2023). Irrelevant speech impairs serial recall of verbal but not spatial items in children and adults. Memory & Cognition, 51(2), 307-320. Download here

Kamp van, I., Persson Waye, K.; Kanninen, K.,… Klatte, M., … Lachmann, T., …. (2022). Early environmental quality and life-course mental health effects: The Equal-Life project. Environmental Epidemiology, 6, e183. Download here

Leist, L., Breuer, C., Yadav, M., Fremerey, S., Fels, J., Raake, A., Lachmann, T., et al. (2022). Differential Effects of Task-Irrelevant Monaural and Binaural Classroom Scenarios on Children’s and Adults’ Speech Perception, Listening Comprehension, and Visual–Verbal Short-Term Memory. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 15998. MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192315998

Breuer, C., Loh, K., Leist, L., Fremerey, S., Raake, A., Klatte, M., & Fels, J. (2022). Examining the Auditory Selective Attention Switch in a Child-Suited Virtual Reality Classroom Environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(24), 16569. MDPI AG. Retrieved from dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192416569

Georgi, M., Leist, L., Klatte, M., & Schlittmeier, S. J. (2022). Investigating the Disturbance Impact of Background Speech on Verbal and Visual-Spatial Short-Term Memory: On the Differential Contributions of Changing-State and Phonology to the Irrelevant Sound Effect. Auditory Perception & Cognition, 1-20. 10.1080/25742442.2022.2127988

Leist, L., Reimers, C., Fremerey, S., Fels, J., Raake, A., Lachmann, T., Klatte, M. (2022). Effects  of  binaural  classroom  noise  scenarios  on  primary  school children's speech perception and listening comprehension. 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (inter-noise 2022), Glasgow, Schottland.

Reimers, C., Loh, K., Leist, L., Fremerey, S., Raake, A., Klatte, M., Fels, J. (2022). Investigating Different Cueing Methods for Auditory Selective Attention in Virtual Reality. 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik DAGA. Stuttgart, Germany.

Czernochowski, D., Leist, L., Beck, A.-K., Ludowicy, P., Haese, A., Lachmann, T., & Landwehr, R. (2018). ERP and behavioral correlates of feedback processing in neurological patients suffering from acute stroke or multiplesclerosis during ambulant rehabilitation. Health across lifespan (HAL) – International conference on healthiness and fitness across the lifespan. Magdeburg, Germany.

Leist, L., Schmidt, T., Family, N., & Czernochowski, D. (2017). As time goes by – stability and variability of behavioral performance and ERP parameters during the Eriksen flanker task over time. 20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). Potsdam, Germany.

Wolkersdorfer, M.P., Leist, L., Wegner, T., Hellrigel, S., Scülfort, S., Panis, S., & Schmidt, T. (2017). Prime competition in fast motor responses: Response activation and inhibition in a sequential-prime paradigm. 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Dresden, Germany.

Wolkersdorfer, M.P., Leist, L., Wegner, T., Hellrigel, S., Scülfort, S., & Schmidt, T. (2016). Prime competition in fast motor responses: When a second prime supersedes the first. 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Heidelberg, Germany.

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