Fachgebiet Politikwissenschaft


  • 08/2021 Nordic Political Science Association Congress at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, Workshop: Parliaments and Governments – paper presentation
  • 06/2021 The Council for European Studies 27th International Conference of Europeanists – paper presentation
  • 12/2020 Method School at the University of Kaiserslautern, Participation in the course: „Python for Non-programmers. “
  • 08/2020 ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck University, Austria (Virtual Event) – paper presentation
  • 12/2019 MZES Department B Colloquium at the University of Mannheim – paper presentation
  • 11/2019 Study trip to Israel, exchange with Al-Quds University in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University concerning the Israel-Palestinian conflict
  • 10/2019 DVPW Inaugural Conference ‘Comparative Research on Parliaments’ at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University, Frankfurt – paper presentation
  • 09/2019 ECPR General Conference at the University of Wrocław, Poland – paper presentation
  • 05/2019 Method School at the University of Kaiserslautern, Participation in the course: Web Scraping and Text Mining
  • 04/2019 ECPR Joint Sessions at the UCLouvain, Mons, Belgium, Workshop: Opposition Parties as Strategic Actors in Parliament – paper presentation
  • 05/2018 Colloquium at the Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg – paper presentation
  • 03/2018 ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Participation in the courses: Linear Regression with R: Estimation, Interpretation and Presentation; Introduction to MAXQDA
  • 09/2017 DVPW Section Conference ‘Critique, Control, Alternative: How Does Parliamentary Opposition Perform?’ at the Humboldt University of Berlin – paper presentation
  • 08/2017 ECPR Summer School on Parliaments at the Humboldt University of Berlin – paper presentation

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