What is a student council?

All students of a department form a Fachschaft (FS). The student council (FSR) is elected in an annual general meeting of the student council and represents the interests of the student council towards the department. The FSR is your contact person for questions concerning the respective subject, exams and professors.

We, the social sciences student council, take care of the social sciences, i.e. sports, politics, educational sciences and our study program, integrative social science.

What do we do?

We are the mouthpiece of all social scientists, teachers and sports scientists;

We give you tips on planning your studies (study advising) and help you with your timetable;

We organize introductory events for freshmen;

We give tips on events and lecturers;

We organize the SoWi-Party once a semester;

We have an open ear for the everyday torments of social scientists;

We sit on the departmental council to represent your interests;

More projects are planned for the future, such as a game night!

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